Friday, 13 June 2014

Great Dane

Great Dane

Average weight 64 kg - average height of 75 cm - top ear triangular head
Average figure - short fur black or black gloss white or brown
Or hazel - deep chest and broad (long) - a medium-bodied piercing eyes are not
Skull Party - strong body

1 commentaires:

  1. Dogs that look deformed are often breeds that don’t have any more working lines and the show line breeders completely took over. Working lines in breeds are healthy and look similar to their ancestors. For example many show line German Shepherds are very different from working line and Czech German Shepherds that I think they should eventually be considered different breeds. If you want to preserve a breed and keep dogs looking like dogs, the working lines have to be preserved. Looking for large dog breeds for families Wondering what large dog breeds are good with kids or would be good for apartments Find out here A complete list of large dog breeds
